The paintings topic about Gustav Klimt were all surrounded by female and sexual. He made a statement to conclude with his idea with his point of view about female-directed aesthetic according to his life and artworks. “It can be shown that there was no self-portrait existed by me. “(George Braziller,1975)” I am not interested in myself”, but “particularly women”. After a childhood and the early life that he was suffered, his personality became isolated and depressive. He started to break away from his originally conservative classicism and began to evolve the style which was totally a revolutionary than he used to do. With started to paint nudes with using very tantalizing poses, and revolve around heterosexual, lesbian and autoerotic. (David 2008) Klimt was very secretive with his private life. He didn’t want to demonstrate too many about himself. The only comment that he released was “For the people whoever had interested about me, as for me as an artist, to look at my works detailed, tried to discover me through my works, to see who I am and what I want to do.”(Dean, 1996, P.6)(David 2008) Klimt’s reversion and depressive fixations focusing on sex, sex symbols, couples kissing, and death. These were the factors that he was fulfilled voyeur of his basic desire. (David 2008) He had a deep impression with the inner life with women and it has a fatal determination to capture it on the canvas. Klimt starts to express the proof view of his world into sexual symbolism, with a shining facade of sensual decoration, with using gold and silver overlay to let the shapes, rectangles, circles to be precisely pointed out the superlative implication of the title of the painting. It straight away gives the viewers as his work presented. (George Braziller,1975) Klimt’s conquer his own suffering, the despicable of his sexual desires and his debauchery. This struggle helped him a lot in his paintings, it produced creative talented, and also expressed free and unconstrained. (David 2008)

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